This narrative inquiry explored the lived experiences of four Trinidadian women of color who served as principals in schools across the Caribbean Island. The focus of this research was to gain insight into what motivated these women to assume leadership positions in education, and how their experiences shaped their leadership practices. Research findings revealed three key themes that influenced the participants’ leadership practice in Trinidad’s educational context. These themes include: (a) ethics of care, an approach to leadership rooted in care and empathy, (b) collaborative leadership, an approach that helped the participants to address unique challenges faced by women-leaders, and (c) gender, class, and racial biases confronted by the participants during their careers. Exploring the narratives of the Trinidadian female leaders provides a nuanced understanding of how women-leaders navigate a complex landscape, offering lessons on resilience and leadership in a unique cultural and historical context.
Keywords: women of color; female principals; Trinidad and Tobago; Caribbean; educational leadership; West Indies; ethics of care.