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Vol. 32 (2012)

Two Women for President: The Importance of the Announcement Speech on the Campaign

  • Rachel B. Friedman
  • Nichola D. Gutgold
June 16, 2017


Women keep gaining ground in the world of American politics. There are more women senators, representatives, Supreme Court justices, secretaries of state and governors than ever. Still, America has never had a female president or even vice president. By examining the communication skills of women who have run for president we can begin to assess how a woman creates ethos for the presidency. This study focuses on an understudied genre of campaign speaking; a comparison of two high profile female candidates' announcement speeches from both respective political parties. How a woman reveals that she is a candidate for president is key to her success. The presidential announcements of Elizabeth Dole and Hillary Clinton are examined to consider what introductory communication traits may best serve the next woman who attempts to break the largest and seemingly toughest glass ceiling: the United States presidency