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Vol. 18 (2005 Spring)

Activism among Feminist Academics: Professionalized Activism and Activist Professionals

June 1, 2023


The purpose of this study was to explore the strategies that networks of feminist faculty women use to improve the climate for women on their campuses. To do so, I presented a review of the literature that examines the nature of activism among women in the academy. This scholarly framework reinforced the need to additional research, like this study, to better understand how courageous academics mobilize and work for an equitable campus climate. By analyzing interviews, documents, and observations of meetings, I was able to get a richer picture of how two feminist faculty organizations advance their activist agendas. The stories that emerged from the data told two related, but differing stories of how academic women pursued their activist goals. In addition, their stories provided meaningful examples for other successful academic women who want to improve the climate for women on their own campuses and suggested that there is still more to be learned about the nature of activist work in the academy.