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Vol. 24 (2007 Spring)

Entrepreneurial Skills in Academia: A Curriculum for Teaching Proposal Writing to Female Graduate Students

  • Katherine Selber
  • William B. Selber
  • Dexter Freeman
June 19, 2017


This article addresses the development of entrepreneurial skills in academic and human service settings by
reporting on a curriculum for teaching proposal writing for funded research and program development
grants. The article includes a review of current challenges in preparing primarily female graduate students
with skills needed for grant seeking in their careers in human services. A description of the proposal writing
curriculum, teaching methodologies used, and outcomes obtained during the past six offerings of the course
are described. In addition, preliminary evaluation data from a survey of a nonrandom sample of participants
in the course (N=30) about their perceptions of the course and its utility are included. Lessons learned and
implications for using the curriculum with other populations, such as female faculty and agency-based
human service professionals, are also explored.