Texas A&M University was provided a generous gift from the orginal publisher (Ms. Gretchen Glasscock, author and creator of the original advancingwomen.com) of the Advancing Women in Leadership Journal. The TAMU Education Leadership Research Center, Educational Administration and Human Resource Department, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University is the publisher. Therefore, we have moved the journal to a TAMU-affiliate server which is a continued open access platform.
We accept manuscripts through October 31st of every year. Any manuscript submitted after that time will be considered for the following year's volume. We have a continuous journal volume throughout the year.
Advancing Women In Leadership Journal (AWL), first publshed in 1997, represents the first on-line continuous open-access, professional, refereed journal for women in leadership. We publish manuscripts that report, synthesize, review, or analyze scholarly inquiry that focuses on women's and gender issues in leadership. The Editors invite authors from all professional fields regarding their research on women's professional issues to submit for potential publication in the journal. AWL is open to researchers from all areas internationally and without prejudice to any particular philosophies, disciplines, and qualitative or quantitative methods.
ISSN 1093-7099
Beverly J. Irby, Executive Editor at irbyb@tamu.edu
Nahed Abdelrahman, Senior Editor at nrahman@tamu.edu
Julia Ballenger, Senior Editor at julia.ballenger@tamuc.edu
Sonia Rodriguez, Associate Editor at srodriguez2@nu.edu
Ben Jankens, Technical Editor at janke1bp@cmich.edu
Jordan Donop, Assistant Editor at jdo-517@tamu.edu
Kristina Hall, Assistant Editor at kristinahall@tamu.edu